First Console

The first of our Limited Edition range of consoles will go up for auction at 10.00pm tonight on the DreamcastON Shop


4 Responses to First Console

  1. Mikey4u1984 says:

    I would pay 15 for that console since it looks in great condtion.

  2. dreamcaston says:

    DreamcastON only sell consoles in top condition. You need to head on over to our eBay shop if you fancy one of these smart looking pieces of history in your own home.

  3. mikey4u1984 says:

    I already have 3. But do you guys have any BBA’s?

  4. dreamcaston says:

    Not as yet. Those things are like gold dust

    Rest assured however that when we do get them in you’ll hear about it first here on

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